We've been a bit fucked up by drop-outs so had to change the schedule to avoid dragging the tourney out for longer than necessary.
Because some people battled the drop-outs and some didn't it means there will be weeks where a few people won't have an opponent & your name will be in italics under the the battles for the week if so.
If you want a ChatGPT opponent (AI generated bars for anyone unfamiliar) to keep your sword sharp or if there's a bar of the week prize, let me know & we'll make it happen. It won't get you any extra points beating ChatGPT, but you will face endless ridicule if you lose.
Same applies if 2 battlers don't have an opponent, they're welcome to battle for pride/prizes but won't gain any further points.
Week 5
Miracle vs Jack Hallows
Slayerr. vs Unfukwitable
mal diction vs FaQEyeReddit
Knoxville, Spree, TheShaman & Virbius
Week 6
Miracle vs KnoXville
TheShaman vs mal diction
Spree vs daveDILLY
Virbius vs Slayerr.
FaQEyeReddit vs Jack Hallows
HEK TEAFY, Unfukwitable
Week 7
Miracle vs Unfukwitable
Jack Hallows vs HEK TEAFY
Slayerr. vs FaQEyeReddit
daveDILLY vs Virbius
mal diction vs Spree
KnoXville vs TheShaman
Week 8
Miracle vs HEK TEAFY
Unfukwitable vs FaQEyeReddit
Jack Hallows vs Virbius
Slayerr. vs Spree
daveDILLY, TheShaman, mal diction, KnoXville
Week 9
Miracle vs FaQEyeReddit
HEK TEAFY vs Virbius
Unfukwitable vs Spree
Jack Hallows vs TheShaman
Slayerr., KnoXville, daveDILLY, mal diction
Week 10
Miracle vs Spree
Virbius vs TheShaman
FaQEyeReddit vs KnoXville
HEK TEAFY vs mal diction
Unfukwitable vs daveDILLY
Jack Hallows vs Slayerr.
Week 11
KnoXville vs Jack Hallows
TheShaman vs Unfukwitable
Spree vs HEK TEAFY
Virbius, FaQEyeReddit, Miracle, daveDILLY, mal diction, Slayerr.
Week 12
Miracle vs TheShaman
Spree vs KnoXville
Virbius vs mal diction
FaQEyeReddit vs daveDILLY
HEK TEAFY vs Slayerr.
Unfukwitable vs Jack Hallows
Week 13
Miracle vs mal diction
KnoXville vs daveDILLY
FaQEyeReddit vs HEK TEAFY
TheShaman, Slayerr., Spree, Jack Hallows, Virbius, Unfukwitable
Week 14
Miracle vs Virbius
FaQEyeReddit vs Spree
HEK TEAFY vs TheShaman
Unfukwitable vs KnoXville
Jack Hallows vs mal diction
Slayerr. vs daveDILLY
Week 15
daveDILLY vs Jack Hallows
KnoXville vs HEK TEAFY
TheShaman vs FaQEyeReddit
Spree vs Virbius
Miracle, Slayerr., mal diction, Unfukwitable