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Thread: RW DE2: Jack Hallows vs Slayerr. (Jack Wins)

  1. #1
    8===D--- -- - Bag Mandela's Avatar
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    RW DE2: Jack Hallows vs Slayerr. (Jack Wins)

    Bars due Tuesday 4th March
    Voting ends Friday 7th March

    MV’s vote = 2 pts

    Bag's vote = 2 pts

    Each public vote = 1 pt


    12 lines (maximum 1080 characters excluding spaces)

    Post your references so you don't get jerked

    No extensions or sportsmanship

    @Jack Hallows @Slayerr.

  2. #2

    Re: RW DE2: Jack Hallows vs Slayerr.


  3. #3
    Lyrical Fire Slayerr.'s Avatar
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    Re: RW DE2: Jack Hallows vs Slayerr.

    I spill blood son, startch u with a spud gun n embarrass ya with it, coz you’ve been wack every minute no exemptions apart
    So excuse our bemusement at your lack of improvement - bag even had to introduce a character limit coz u have no redemption arc
    N u make a fat scene when someone misgenders jacks queen
    Coz I’ll knock u out so quick your pronouns are has/been
    I’m a grappler with that brute soul, you just got a loose hole
    Coz I’m here with cauliflower ears n u out here looking like a fruit bowl
    Hallows spitting fire on the mix tape is a joke take, we spit fire non stop the crowd hope ur throat break
    But we need u for our live shows sake, coz when u step on the mic everyone goes for a smoke break
    I eat audio heads like u for breakfast then lick my lips in a rude way
    So I’ll batter u in the mix - give a little whisk n serve you up for shrove Tuesday
    U n Knox go back n fight about the n word and then some, let it go
    Now it don’t matter if you’re black or white jack son, coz we just know u as a peado

  4. #4

    Re: RW DE2: Jack Hallows vs Slayerr.

    Quote Originally Posted by Slayerr. View Post
    Weight training? U can’t peak it right ur too weak to fight so has it occurred when u see me on a night out
    that u should be frightened n swerve if I might shout, before I brighten ur world with my neon ur face n knock ur lights out


    u’re purely butt.. & ur Symbiotic reliance on Virb & such? that shit’s surely sus.
    nerdy cuck.. at leAst Eddie Brock says “We Are Venom” .. Slay’s just like “Vir Be US”
    this tool always has an angle.. it’s a personal flaw..
    so let’s see if i can smooth out some issues when i introduce this square jaw to a circular saw
    get merked in a brawl.. it ain’t about ur pride as a rapper when they find ur Discs flying skyward & backward
    nah, this grisly frisbee game’s aim is more suited for a coroner/chiropractor
    get violently fractured w/ torque weapons. YoU? hasslin’ a War Vet’ran?
    no neon light to guide you when i leave you laid out lookin up after capturing that fluorescence
    heard Tea time’s important to you Euros. i’m glad i packed up my club
    so when ya mum asks “how many crumpets, luv?”, i’ll yell “FORE” then bash my 9 iron through the back of her skull
    this faggot’s dull; always so serious. clearly actin weirdly bitch
    this lame git’s name explains it: @Slayerr. <— is always on a Period.

    reference guide:
    1.) Eddie Brock / Venom no brainer. Virbius / Slayerr have basically the same rap style, only Slayerr is slightly worse & Virbius is slightly more annoying.
    2.) music discs / spinal discs.
    3.) neon = fluorescence / floor essence
    4.) european tea & crumpet time bash up with golf references. Tea/Tee, Fore/4, 9 iron is a golf club.
    5.) homes name ends in a period, as shown when you @ him

  5. #5
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    Re: RW DE2: Jack Hallows vs Slayerr.

    Vote- Jack

    I changed my mind a few times. I had so much difficulty judging this one that I had to resort to giving bars a points value.

    Slayerr had the two best bars of the battle (his first and last), but they were closely followed by Jack’s first bar and Jack was more consistent.

    Character limit bar was legit genius. If this was a six line battle Slay would’ve taken it for sure. As is, Jack got it. There was a lot to like in his verse. Good work both.

  6. #6
    8===D--- -- - Bag Mandela's Avatar
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    Re: RW DE2: Jack Hallows vs Slayerr.

    I spill blood son, startch u with a spud gun I'm with it n embarrass ya with it, coz you’ve been wack every minute no exemptions apart
    So excuse our bemusement at your lack of improvement - bag even had to introduce a character limit coz u have no redemption arc nice, decent rhyming too
    N u make a fat scene when someone misgenders jacks queen
    Coz I’ll knock u out so quick your pronouns are has/been could've been a bit smoother from set up to punch but pronouns are has/been is fire
    I’m a grappler with that brute soul,lol yes you just got a loose hole
    Coz I’m here with cauliflower ears n u out here looking like a fruit bowl aight aight
    Hallows spitting fire on the mix tape is a joke take, we spit fire non stop the crowd hope ur throat break
    But we need u for our live shows sake, coz when u step on the mic everyone goes for a smoke breakgood angle to take with the mixtape, I've heard the smoke break thing quite a lot before & rhyming break with break is a bit slack
    I eat audio heads like u for breakfast then lick my lips in a rude way
    So I’ll batter u in the mix - give a little whisk n serve you up for shrove Tuesday just realised I missed pancake day, batter you in the mix was dope
    U n Knox go back n fight about the n word and then some, let it go
    Now it don’t matter if you’re black or white jack son, coz we just know u as a peado mixed feelings on the closer, I think Jack-son name flips are a bit obvious, but at the same time I fuck with how you made it relevant to the knox shit & tied it together with the MJ song reference


    u’re purely butt.. & ur Symbiotic reliance on Virb & such? that shit’s surely sus.
    nerdy cuck.. at leAst Eddie Brock says “We Are Venom” .. Slay’s just like “Vir Be US” I've never thought they have the same writing style but the creativity on the punch here is wild
    this tool always has an angle.. it’s a personal flaw..
    so let’s see if i can smooth out some issues when i introduce this square jaw to a circular sawnice
    get merked in a brawl.. it ain’t about ur pride as a rapper when they find ur Discs flying skyward & backward
    nah, this grisly frisbee game’s aim is more suited for a coroner/chiropractor like the frisbee / intervertebral disc concept
    get violently fractured w/ torque weapons. YoU? hasslin’ a War Vet’ran?
    no neon light to guide you when i leave you laid out lookin up after capturing that fluorescence lol yeah this was pretty ill, flipping one of Slayerr.'s best bars from the tourney was a nice approach
    heard Tea time’s important to you Euros. i’m glad i packed up my club
    so when ya mum asks “how many crumpets, luv?”, i’ll yell “FORE” then bash my 9 iron through the back of her skull haha even went to the trouble of spelling "mum" properly too, not often you hear a fresh UK stereotype bar that isn't corny but this was nice
    this faggot’s dull; always so serious. clearly actin weirdly bitch
    this lame git’s name explains it: @Slayerr. <— is always on a Period. Nice closer

    I couldn't predict a winner beforehand and it turned out to be as close as expected. Both had about the same amount of tailored shit, both had good rhyming throughout but I'd edge jack on that, both started out with their best bar, redemption arc & the virb bar were both ill, but I think Jack managed to stay slightly more consistent throughout. Good work from both.
    Vote Jack

  7. #7
    8===D--- -- - Bag Mandela's Avatar
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    Re: RW DE2: Jack Hallows vs Slayerr.

    @HEK TEAFY @MV @mal diction @FaQEyeReddit can we get some votes in this bitch please it seems a bit unfair calling a result based on 2 votes when it's this close

  8. #8
    Lyrical Fire Slayerr.'s Avatar
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    Re: RW DE2: Jack Hallows vs Slayerr.

    Quote Originally Posted by Bag Mandela View Post
    @HEK TEAFY @MV @mal diction @FaQEyeReddit can we get some votes in this bitch please it seems a bit unfair calling a result based on 2 votes when it's this close
    I don’t mind, there’s not enough active voters to swing this back my way anyway and yours and virbs votes are sufficient for me. Let’s get this shit moving props @Jack Hallows HOWL

  9. #9
    8===D--- -- - Bag Mandela's Avatar
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    Re: RW DE2: Jack Hallows vs Slayerr.

    Quote Originally Posted by Slayerr. View Post
    I don’t mind, there’s not enough active voters to swing this back my way anyway and yours and virbs votes are sufficient for me. Let’s get this shit moving props @Jack Hallows HOWL
    Respect my guy

  10. #10

    Re: RW DE2: Jack Hallows vs Slayerr. (Jack Wins)

    Slayerr, good shit fammo. fire verse

    of course i’m always happy to take the W, legit too cuz it’s Virbius & Bag vote counts as 2, but i’m conflicted cuz this was a tough fight. def deserved more spectator engagement.

    @YG yo make yourself useful & vote on this b.

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